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September 2020 Online Photo Show
September - December 2020
Juror: Jay Levy
If you have an interest in purchasing art from this show,
please call Rick Nelson (925) 989-9183 or email
Dimensions exclude frames
First Day of School
Tina Nelson
First Prize
Remember Blursday 2020
Glenn Cotter
8 x 10 $50
Second Prize
One Nation Under
Tony Kay
9 x 12 $300
Third Prize
Another Smoky Sunset
Nancy J. Rubin
Honorable Mention
Lest You Share in her Plagues
Chloe Hansen
Honorable Mention
Mary Millman
9 x 12 $18
Beauty Amongst Tragedy
Sue Crawford
Building 43
Andrea Bishop
Can Teddy Bears Help Us Cope
Nancy J. Rubin
Tony Kay
9 x 12 $300
Color Coordinated Quarantine
Fashion Statement
Wynette Weaver
Covid Feelings
Tina Nelson
Covid Haircut
Tina Nelson
Dark as Night 8 am Sept 9
Marie Cotter
8 x 10 $50
Tony Kay
9 x 12 $300
Dutch Iris May 4
Marie Cotter
8 x 10 $50
Egret as Seen through the Lens of a Topsy-Turvy World
Nancy J. Rubin
Factory Closed Down
John Henry
16 x 20 $200
Fruitvale Bridge at 5:30 am
Angela Hunkler
Just Born
Mary Millman
9 x 12 $18
Justice Masked
TAva Rockefeller Campbell
King Tide Meekers Slough Feb 10
Marie Cotter
8 x 10 $50
Kite Flyer
Andrea Bishop
Near Pebble
Donald Fones
Open to the Sky
John Henry
16 x 16 $175
Our Backyard on Oakland Estuary
Angela Hunkler
9 x 12 $50
Pay Our Rent
Kelly Autumn Sperbeck
Pig Mailbox--
Giving Us Smiles beneath our Masks
Nancy J. Rubin
Pigeon Point Spring
Iris Sabre
12 x 16 $150
Pigeons and Graffiti
Tom McCort
Point Bonita Sparkle
Iris Sabre
12 x 16 $150
Portrait of the Artist
Tom McCort
Purple Puff, Pt. Richmond
Beth Bourland
5 x 7 $25
Quarantine Reads
GiGi Cotter
8 x 10 $11
Reflecting on 2020
Rick Nelson
Sea Surge
John Henry
16 x 16 $175
Second Skin
Chloe Hansen
Shadow and Light on Oakland Estuary
Angela Hunkler
9 x 12 $50
Social Distancing
Tina Nelson
Structural Inequity
Tony Kay
9 x 12 $300
Summer Reading
GiGi Cotter
8 x 10 $11
Sunset Beauty during Wildfires
Sue Crawford
Sunset Flirts with Smoke
Sue Crawford
Sunset Haze
Andrea Bishop
The Smoke
Ronan Cotter
8 x 10 $25
Toyon Negative Sept. 3
Marie Cotter
8 x 10 $50
Twilight Time
Iris Sabre
12 x 16 $150
Wake Me when it's Over
Wynette Weaver
Wake-Up Call
Wynette Weaver
Where Are You
Donald Fones
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